We help authors write their best books.

From idea to out in the world, we’re here to help you on your writing journey.

To find out if our advice can help you write your best book, we offer a free sample edit for full-length manuscripts. Request yours today!

How Can We Help You Write Your Best Book?

Book Coaching

Do you want someone to come along side you as you write, providing you with continuing support and feedback as you plan, write, or revise your novel?

Developmental Editing

Do you have a completed manuscript in need of a deep read by a professional who will provide you with detailed feedback, suggestions, and a clear way forward?

Do you have an idea for a book or professional knowledge and experience you want to share with the world, but lack the time or experience to write a book?

CEO of Story Grid, Tim Grahl, interviews NYT bestselling author Scott Mann and his editor Randall Surles.

To Retired SGM Randy Surles, whose work on this project cannot be overstated. You were at my shoulder every step of the way: writing, editing, troubleshooting. The Story Grid ought to be damn proud of what you brought to the party. Any warrior contemplating writing a book should make their first call to Randy Surles.

From the acknowledgements in Operation Pineapple Express by New York Bestselling Author Scott Mann

A Romance Editor and a Military Editor – Two for the price of one!

We are developmental editors, book coaches, and ghostwriters who help authors outline, write, and edit their books.

When you work with us, you get two editors for the price of one: a male and a female, and a soldier and a civilian, a Gen Xer and a Millennial. With a single round of editing, you will discover how your work resonates across multiple demographics.

From assisting soldiers in sharing their real-life combat experiences in military memoirs to coaching storytellers through the intricacies of harrowing fantasy worlds and heart-wrenching romance, we have a diverse range of expertise. Our portfolio extends beyond that, to aiding entrepreneurs and investors in sharing their wisdom with the world and helping authors craft gripping military or action-thriller novels.

Editors Randy and Laura

Massive thanks to you, Randy Surles, for helping me create a captivating, inspiring, and powerful story. And thank you for bringing the talented Laura Graves into the process. The two of you were a joy to work with.

Rich Fettke, author of Amazon Bestseller The Wise Investor

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  • Get guidance on self-editing your manuscripts
  • Study our analysis of books and movies from an editor’s point of view to learn why the stories work or don’t, and see how they might have been improved.

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